“How do you teach the elements of music to small children? Teacher/author Leah Wells chooses to use the power of story to do that job in a whimsical, sure-footed manner. ... Music teachers and music-loving parents will want to seek out this fresh new child-friendly paperback series.”
“Gomer takes his special stuffed toy, Little Gomer, with him everywhere, even on walks to the park with his dog walker. One of the other dogs, Chi Chi, the Chihuahua, teases him about his dependence on his toy, until the day Gomer forgets it in the park. Then Chi Chi proves to be a real friend, and the next day he gets his own toy from the grateful Gomer. This satisfying story is accompanied by simple cartoon illustrations in bright primary colors. The whole package will delight young dog lovers and prove a good lesson in friendship for one-on-one reading or a storytime group.”

“This charming book is a delightful way to introduce reading music to young children. ... The illustrations orchestrate the power and magic of music for the reader to behold.”
“With whimsical, almost retro-looking sketches, Naomi Rosenblatt's artwork adds to the gentle fun of this note-learning paperback tale. … Well-done, lighthearted and fun, Leah Wells' sing-songy tale works beautifully.”
“A journey through history from the perspective of an olive tree that has held its ground for almost 2,000 years. Beautiful art enhances this well-told story.”
DAVID A. ADLER, Award-Winning Children’s Book Author
“A thought-provoking historical saga and lyrical celebration of humanity and nature, all told through the story of an ancient olive tree. Bernhard’s virtuoso illustrations are detailed and informative, and poetically evoke the unique light and form of the Galilean landscape.”
AVI KATZ, Award-Winning Children’s Book Illustrator and Jerusalem Report Cartoonist
“With a 2,000-year-old olive tree as silent witness and as a symbol of peace, Bernhard has created a beguiling testament to the abiding presence of Jews in Israel. Her artwork is richly detailed, and her narrative is both authoritative and reverential.”
LAWRENCE BUSH, Editor Jewish Currents
“The talented author/illustrator of this remarkable book might have added as a subtitle “The Life of a People,” given that in both her text and her drawings she recreates the Jewish experience in the land of Israel over 2,000 years ... This story of a single resilient tree, its fruit and branches symbols of peace, emphasizes the enduring and eternal partnership of the Jewish people and the land of Israel.”
GLORIA GOLDREICH, Hadassah Magazine (December 2016 edition)
“The steadfast, ancient olive tree is our witness to 2,000 years of history in the Land of Israel in this evocative book by D. Yael Bernhard. Carefully researched and beautifully illustrated, The Life of an Olive teaches us about the remarkable olive tree, central to the economy and ecology of the Holy Land, incredibly long-lived and resilient ... a Tree of Life, indeed!”
RABBI JONATHAN KLIGER, Woodstock Jewish Congregation

“The exercises … illustrate for all readers how Leah Wells improvised her classes, adapted to structured classroom schedules, and overcame myriad administrative obstacles in order to create fulfilling hours of music and movement for her students. But the exercises are also utilitarian. Teachers needing prompts or ideas for engaging the wildfire energy of overpopulated classrooms will find a trove here. All other readers will find a deeply moving, humane, compassionate narrator whose wit, insights, details, ear for language, and love for the arts enrich the book’s pages.”
M.J. MOORE, NEWORLD REVIEW (January 2016 edition)